현대사회는 화학물질문명에 장악되어 의식주 전반에 걸쳐 화학물질이 만연해 있습니다.

따라서 입과 코와 피부를 통해 화학 독소가 무차별적으로 유입되고 있고, 그 결과 피가 독혈(毒血)로 오염되고 있는 실정입니다.

그리고 이 독혈이 머리에서 발끝까지 전신을 돌아다니며 세포를 괴사시킴으로써 암·고혈압·당뇨병·심장병 등 각종 질병이 초래되고 있습니다.

이를 벗어나는 방법이, 인간은 자연의 일부분으로서 자연음식과 자연스러운 생활습관에 있다고 보고, 오랫동안 자연의 섭리에 따른 자연치료를 연구해 온 동양의학박사의 임상연구 및 결과를 통해 해답을 찾아 드리고자 UniHwan을 시작하였습니다.

 To restore health from environmental pollution and bad dietary habits, Uni-Hwan will continue to research and provide good products.

In today's society, mental stress is aggravated by fierce social competition. But what concerns us more is that chemicals are prevalent throughout our society and are causing many health problems. The household items are made up of chemical products. In addition, residential spaces are being built with chemical building materials. These chemical toxins enter the body indiscriminately through the mouth, nose and skin, and the blood is inevitably contaminated with poison. Food is overflowing with processed food with chemical additives. Agricultural products are grown with chemical pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Chemical antibiotics and chemical growth hormones are added to livestock and farmed fish. They are bred on fodder. We also eat meat almost daily. The body's digestive system cannot digest it properly, and the blood eventually becomes contaminated with turbidity.

When the blood is contaminated with poison, high blood pressure appears due to the sticky blood, and arteriosclerosis appears due to the turbidity deposited in the blood vessels. In addition, as the sticky blood accumulates in the joints, arthritis appears, and when the human tissue becomes necrotic due to chemical toxins and waste products, it leads to cancer.

Unihwan is searching for the answer.

Dr. of Oriental Medicine, who has been studying natural treatment according to the providence of nature for a long time, following the clinical research and results, discovered that human beings must be governed by natural food and natural life patterns as a part of nature. For this reason, we started UniHwan to search for the answer.