$169.00 $180.00

IMPORTANT: This specific product is not formulated for children.

Cleanse is recommended for those with thick blood. Turbid blood is cleaned by enhancing liver and kidney function.

혈관청소제 클린스는 간과 신장의 해독능력을 향상시켜 피를 깨끗하고 맑게 해
주는 역할에 도움이 되는 환약입니다.  클린스의 천연약초들이 심장내벽에 관상동맥을 일으키는 콜레스테롤과 중성지방등을 낮추어 노폐물과 독소를 없애고 피를 깨끗하게 청소해 주는 역할을 합니다.

Blood tests that yield high cholesterol and high triglyceride readings are signs of thick blood. Additionally, those with high blood pressure and diabetes should take Cleanse. The natural herbs in the formulation lower cholesterol and triglycerides, while simultaneously helping to control blood pressure. Regular consumption can prevent and improve blood vessel problems. A blood test should be taken before and after the use of Cleanseto show results.

Its benefits are: 복용후 효능

  1. Reduction of cholesterol. 콜레스테롤 감소
  2. Reduction of triglycerides. 중성지방 감소
  3. Drop in blood pressure. 혈압강하
  4. Boost immunity. 면역력 강화
  5. Prevention of heart problems. 심장병 예방
  6. Prevention of cerebrovascular problems. 뇌혈관 질환 예방
  7. Improvement of degenerative arthritis. 퇴행성 관절염 개선
  8. Improvement of blood circulation problems caused by diabetes. 당뇨로 인한 혈액 순환 문제 개선

Directions: Take 1 tablespoon 2 times a day, with warm water on an empty stomach. Avoid foods that are usually cold (e.g., cold water, foods made with flour, ice cream, etc.) and late-night meals. Prolonged use of 3 months and beyond have shown greater effectiveness.

복용법: 하루 2회, 식사 30분 전 공복에 따뜻한 물과 함께 한 숟가락씩 복용하세요. 찬 성질의 음식(찬물, 밀가루음식,아이스크림 등)과 야식을 피하셔야 합니다. 3개월이상 복용하시면 혈관질환 예방 및 호전 효과가 있습니다.

Caution: People with low blood pressure or pregnant women should not take Cleanse.

주의사항: 저혈압자 또는 임산부는 복용을 금합니다.


For Better Results:

(1) Causes of thick blood

  • Late-night snack – The body’s own detoxification time is at bedtime, but if you sleep with food left in your intestines, you have to digest it all night, so you can’t detoxify it, and cholesterol or triglycerides build up in your body.
  • Eat grilled meat for dinner – Grilled meat takes about 3 days to fully digest, so waste builds up
  • Eating cold drinks or desserts after eating food – The fat in the food you eat meets the cold energy and hardens easily.
  • Stress

Food recommendations to help clean blood vessels -- cooked beets, onions, tomatoes, broccoli, cissus, lemon balm, etc.

Store at room temperature. Avoid direct sunlight and humidity.

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SHIPPING TIMES may vary based on each carrier, the services chosen, and currently delays due to COVID-19 and other factors. 

INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING: We do not currently offer international shipping at this time. Please check back in the future for more information. 

LOST OR DAMAGED SHIPMENT: Shipments lost or misplaced due to incorrect shipping information that you entered upon checkout is not our responsibility. Verification of correct shipping information must be done before finalizing checkout. Lost and damaged shipment claims must be made by the customer to the carrier directly. Please check and confirm that the shipping services you requested includes insurance coverage.