$189.00 $220.00

IMPORTANT: This specific product is specifically formulated for women and not intended for children.

Rejuvenate is for women from the onset of menarche to old age.

리쥬브네이트는  초경이 시작된 나이부터 노인까지의 여성을 위한 환약입니다.

위장 및 자궁의 체온을 올려 혈액순환을 촉진 시켜주고 여성의 아름다움을 유지시켜주는 효과가 있습니다.

Its recommended uses are for: 이러한 증상을 가지신 분들을 위한 환약입니다.

  1. Fatigue. 만성피로
  2. Irregular menstruation. 생리불순
  3. Menstrual pain. 생리통
  4. Menopausal symptoms – hot flashes, insomnia, mood swings, etc. 갱년기증상 있으신 분 - 핫플래쉬, 불면, 예민 
  5. A cold abdomen. 복부냉
  6. Emotional reluctance (cold-heartedness). 감정기복 심한 분
  7. Mood wings (not menopause related).
  8. Increased rate of aging. 노화속도가 빠른 분
  9. Hair loss. 탈모증상이 있으신 분
  10. Poor blood circulation. 혈액순환장애가 있으신 분
  11. Decreased skin elasticity. 피부탄력성이 없으신 분

Rejuvenate is composed of natural herbs that promote blood circulation by raising the body temperature of the stomach and uterus. This has been shown to have a positive effect on a woman’s physical appearance.

The symptoms outlined above are mainly caused by a cold stomach and uterus. Even a 1-degree change in body temperature can cause a weakened immune system and decreased uterine function, causing a multitude of problems.

위의 증상들은 위장과 자궁이 차가울때 발생합니다. 우리의 몸은 체온이 1도만 낮아도 면역력과 자궁기능이 떨어지므로 여러가지 질환이 발생합니다.

 Its benefits are: 복용후 효능

  1. Improvement of menstruation pain and irregular menstruation 생리통, 생리불순 개선
  2. Improvement of Blood Circulation 혈액순환개선
  3. Anti-Aging 노화방지
  4. Relieve menopause symptoms 갱년기 증상 완화
  5. Recovery from fatigue 피로회복
  6. Prevention of infertility 불임예방

Directions: Take 1 Tablespoon 2 times a day with warm water on an empty stomach. Suitable for women of any age after menstruation. Prolonged use of 3 months and beyond have shown greater effectiveness.

복용법: 하루 2회, 식사 30분 전 공복에 따뜻한 물과 함께 한 숟가락씩 복용하세요. 3개월 이상 복용하시면 더욱 좋은 효과를 보게 됩니다.

Caution: Pregnant women or children who have not started menstruation are prohibited from using Rejuvenate.

주의사항 : 초경이 시작되지 않은 어린이나 임산부는 복용을 금합니다.


For Better Results

The uterus is the second most important organ in women after the heart. In other words, if the uterus is strong, the whole body will be strong. When the uterus is weak, there is a lack of blood, blood circulation disorders occur, and problems such as menstrual pain, menstrual irregularity, and infertility occur.

To prevent this, we recommend the following.

  • Avoid wearing tight pants
  • Cold food should be avoided as it cools the stomach and lower abdomen, which cools the uterus and adversely affects blood circulation
  • Avoid usage of plastic products – Plastic products contain fake female hormones (estrogen), which weakens uterine function – Containers for food or beverages
  • Drinking 2-3 cups of warm ginger, honey, and cinnamon tea a day warms the stomach and uterus
  • 30 minutes of hot pack on the stomach every day, it warms the stomach and improves the function of the stomach and uterus
  • Do pelvic straightening(correcting) stretch

Store at room temperature. Avoid direct sunlight and humidity.

We ship to all of the United States. Please allow for 1-2 business days for orders to be fulfilled and shipped. A tracking number from the carrier will be sent to the e-mail address you provide upon checkout once your shipment is fulfilled and ready to leave our warehouse. If you do not receive a tracking number within 4 business days, please check your Spam folder and be sure to mark the mail as “Not Spam,” or contact us at for an update. Please also bear in mind, we do not ship on weekends or bank holidays.

SHIPPING TIMES may vary based on each carrier, the services chosen, and currently delays due to COVID-19 and other factors. 

INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING: We do not currently offer international shipping at this time. Please check back in the future for more information. 

LOST OR DAMAGED SHIPMENT: Shipments lost or misplaced due to incorrect shipping information that you entered upon checkout is not our responsibility. Verification of correct shipping information must be done before finalizing checkout. Lost and damaged shipment claims must be made by the customer to the carrier directly. Please check and confirm that the shipping services you requested includes insurance coverage.